The Developmental Program welcomes new players to our favorite game. Focus is on developing the technical fundamentals of the game and introducing the basics of soccer tactics and strategy while keeping soccer fun. Games are played every Friday in an in-house environment and sessions and games are administered by paid coaches who know and love the game. Players in our Developmental Program train twice weekly and play 1 game on Friday nights.
Competitive 7v7
The Competitive 7v7 Program is for players U9 – U10. We look to bridge the gap between recreational / developmental and competitive soccer and to prepare more advanced recreational / developmental players for a smooth transition to competitive soccer. Training is 2-3 times weekly based on player commitment & team goals. Teams play at the Northwest Recreation Complex or other local locations depending on league participation.
Competitive 9v9
The Competitive 9v9 Program is for U11 – U12 players and provides a more competitive environment as players continue to learn the technical and tactical aspects of the game. Coaches are professionally licensed and competition is generated through local and regional leagues, as well as local tournaments. Players in our Competitive Program train 3-4 times weekly and 1-2 games each weekend during the season.
Competitive 11v11
The Competitive 11v11 Program is for players U13 and older. All aspects of the game and player profile are taught and competition is at the local, regional & state levels, as well as tournaments. Players train 3-5 times weekly and 1-2 games each weekend during the season.
Players in our Competitive 11v11 Programs are encouraged to play High School Soccer.